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Rorschach Dream

What is it?

 Rorschach Dream was insbired by the history and creation of ink blot tests. Rorschach Dream works by using a microcontroler,light emitting diodes(LED),specialized liquid formula, SHARP long rande infaered sensor,and a custom heat source.The lava-like formula floats around the sealed glass forming bubbles that rise and sink. Sealed in the right glass container is an organic dye made from marigold petals. In the left glass container is a dye made from red sharpies. Both of the colored dyes help create the shadows similar to the traditional ink blots when in a dark room.

My Process

It all starts with the concept I am trying to convey combined with enthusiam for creating a physical prototype. A few rough sketches of the design build are transfered into a series of 3D scale models to get a more detailed visual of the structure. Next comes research and foraging of materials for the project. It is easy to get carried away in the excitement of planning for a new project,but it is important to create a budget list. I look for used or repurposed items to stretch the materials budget.

Does it work

The Max MSP microcontroller has the potential to control the imputs being fed to it by the sensors and power source. I used differnt color wires and stuck to common black and red for ground and power. The microcontroler can be easily damaged by mis-wired circuits.I managed to creat a short in the device durring testing and used an Arduino Uno as a backup motherboard. The coding can be used with both microcontrollers. There are several variations on the codes and a multitude of helpful resources available.

 The "lava" formula I used originated from a combonation of recipes from online research. I made several batches before deciding to add a bit of color to the solution. 


Rorschach Dream

Interactive Sculpture 2012


Testing the heat source

Base and jars


Testing the brains


 What is it?

     The concept behind pulse drip id to ask the questions of when do you stop taking to get what you want from others and how much is too much? I wanted the fake blood that dripped from the motor controlled by spikes in pulse rates to resemble blood from another. The wrist movements would make the blood drip out faster soaking the paper underneath. The paper that was inside the frame was documentation of the blood loss from pulse drip. The stencil above the paper was like the signature of the machine.  I think that the structure itself was leaking the blood onto the floor around it. That contributed to the concept because it was also asking “should I turn it off? It just keeps leaking”.



Pulse Drip

Interactive sculpture. 2011

Edited Image 2015-5-18-21:8:18

Setting up the blood bottle

Inside Pulse Drip

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